PVC Capping Strips

 Capping strips and cove formers are used where floorcoverings are dressed up the wall to form a skirting with a neat finish, and to join floorcoverings to wall finishes in.They are suitable for use with resilient floorcoverings and ceramic tiles in a wide range of commercial  applications.Capping strips are available in flexible and rigid PVC to accommodate a range of floorcovering thicknesses.

3 of 3 Items
  • Cove former provides a neat cove when floor coverings are used to return up a wall to form a skirting. 35x35mm cove former 20x20mm cove former

    Cove Former-2m

    PVC cove formers are used to form a cove where floor coverings rise up to the wall. Usually used with a capping seal or a cap to cover the raw edge of the floor covering.PVC cove former profile also gives strength and support at what is a weak junction...

    £5.22 (Inc. VAT)
    £4.35 (Ex. VAT)
  • Finishing caps for floor coverings when material is formed up the wall base PVC Wall Capping Strip-2m

    PVC Wall Capping Strip-2m

    This is a flexible pvc finishing strip to cover the exposed edge of vinyl on vertical surfaces, either vinyl wall sheeting or coved vinyl flooring.It is usually used in conjunction with a cover former.Capping strips are usually used together with cove...

    £5.22 (Inc. VAT)
    £4.35 (Ex. VAT)
  • Tiling/PVC Flooring  edge for junctions between wall tiling and coved PVC flooring PVC Tile /Vinyl Capping Strip-2m

    PVC Tile /Vinyl Capping Strip-2m

    This is a a tile cap which is used where ceramic wall tiles are finished against vinyl/resilient flooring that has been dressed up to the wall to form a skirting.The co-extruded profile with a flexible face allows vinyl as thin as 2mm to be used.Capping...

    £6.60 (Inc. VAT)
    £5.50 (Ex. VAT)
3 of 3 Items